We all know the detrimental affects smoking can have on our bodies; however it is important to realise that negative influence it has on our skin and how smoking impacts your skin health. Smoking can come in many forms such as cigarettes, vaping, juuling and e-cigarettes. Being aware of the risks is integral for all individuals who are concerned with ageing gracefully so listen up and have a read of  the ways smoking may be impacting your skin health.


Smoking causes premature ageing of the skin and body. Smoke affects the body’s stores of collagen and elastin, which work to keep the skin plump and firm. Additionally, the blood vessels which circulate nutrients and oxygen around the body can dilate, reducing their function.


Oxidative stress is caused by smoking, which impairs collagen formation and increases the expression of an enzyme that degrades collagen. After the age of 25, you lose 1% of collagen a year – so we don’t want to hasten this figure!

how smoking impacts your skin - ageing

Delayed Wound Healing

Smoking is impacting your wound healing as is decreases the body’s inflammatory process as well as immune function! According to the World Health Organisation smoking causes wound opening, slower healing, and more wound complications post-surgery.

how smoking impacts your skin - skin conditions

Skin Conditions like Psoriasis & Eczema

A recent study found that exposure to cigarette smoke and even second-hand smoke is a causative risk factor for atopic eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Not only this, but smoking may also increase the severity of the skin condition.


The immune system is seriously impaired from regular smoking, and our immune system, is integral to not only the skin but other major organs and their ability to function correctly. Immune cells prevent infection and promote the healing of tissues, proving to be extremely essential to the body’s innate function. The last thing anyone one wants is unnecessary tissue damage or excessive inflammation, impairing the ability to fight off infections.

These are important considerations if you’re seriously evaluating how smoking impacts your skin. The good news is, after just 1 month of quitting smoking redness and age spots can begin to reduce. And in more good news, a 2010 study found that quitting smoking reduced a patients biological age on average by 13 years!  The important note here is that removing cigarettes and smoking devices from your routine can enhance the quality of life you enjoy and improve your skin! Amen to that!

By Riley McDonald

Dermal therapist