To Fall in Love with Yourself Is the First Secret to Happiness.

To appreciate yourself exactly as you are within a state of radical self-acceptance is a form of self-love. Often towards this time of year, when roses are blooming at every shop and sweet treats in heart shapes line the shop shelves we can think that love is outside of ourself. However, the ability to love starts from somewhere within. There are many practices and habits we can foster in order to grow the love we have for ourselves, as many people know its impossible to pour from an empty cup! Self-love can start in so many places, and we have listed some great ideas to set you off in the right direction.

Be Mindful

Create mindful moments throughout the day to open space for the wonders of your life, whether that be the breeze that kisses your skin or being grateful for running water and a roof over your head.

Pamper Yourself

Self-care can begin in those small rituals of a facemask to unwind at night, or a relaxing facial to rejuvenate your mind and body.

Create Healthy Habits

Start small – anything worthwhile doing is worthwhile doing for 5 minutes than not at all. Whether this be by making better food choices to fuel your body or incorporate more water. The results may not be seen immediately but the feeling of accomplishment is amazing!

Have Boundaries

Know when to say no to plans, or when your body is asking for a bit of an extra rest. In this busy day and age, it can be easy to feel behind if you miss 1 workout or Friday night drinks with the girls. However, your wellbeing always comes first!

Talk to Yourself Like You Would a Friend

Saying kind words to yourself rather than coming from a harsh and unfairly judgmental place will always create a better outcome.

Spend Time In Nature

Hit the beach for some vitamin D or get out in nature for a walk amongst the trees. Not only is walks in nature proven to reduces stress hormones, its also great for memory and fostering mindfulness and gratitude.

Set Goals

Set goals and achieve them! This releases the feel good hormone dopamine which gets you thinking and feeling good.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

A good night sleep is so important for our everyday function. Without it we can be fatigued and grumpy which can lead to undesirable choices made throughout the day. We suggest creating a wind-down routine at night time to help you fall into a great nights sleep.

Go Screen Free

Remove phones and TV screens once in a while as they can get quite stimulating and often do more harm then good. Eating without any distractions can also create some more mindful space for food and assist in digestion! Get away from social media and remove yourself from viewing unrealistic self-expectation every time you open your phone (unfollow those influences that make you question your self-worth).

Take A Break

Listen to your body so you know when it’s time for a break. This could be asleep in on a Sunday or removing the Instagram app for a week!

Where to start? It’s a great idea to pick one of these tips and begin there. Don’t look outside yourself during the month of love, and instead practice some self-love! There’s a new level of happiness just waiting , and it all starts with YOU!

By Riley McDonald
Dermal Therapist