You may have heard of the peel of all peels – Jessner! Packing power, this peel is well known to offer incredible benefits to the skin for a reduction in conditions of acne, scarring, congestion, oil flow, melasma, sun damage and dehydration. But what exactly does the Jessner peel entail? There can be many different versions of a Jessner but to explain it simply, it’s a cocktail of acids designed to offer an intense exfoliation of the outermost layers of the skin.

Our Jessner has 3 acids – salicylic, lactic and resorcinol.

Salicylic acid is derived from aspirin and has great anti-inflammatory effects to treat conditions like acne and congestion. Salicylic acid simply ‘dissolves’ the plugs of oil sitting in the skin to clean out pores.
Lactic is an alpha-hydroxy acid with exfoliating and hydrating properties. Essentially, it protects against trans-epidermal water loss, by drawing in more moisture to the layers of skin.
Resorcinol is a powerful agent that assists in the exfoliation process, as well as increases the depth of lactic & salicylic acid.

Who is suitable for a Jessner peel?

The Jessner peel is exclusive! Not everyone is a suitable candidate due to its strength. Specific skin types are not fit for the strength of a Jessner, so to find out its best to see your friendly dermal therapist in the clinic. Prior to a Jessner peel the skin must be prepped with active skincare for at least 4 weeks to ensure it can handle the powerful acids. If you want to read up on more information regarding the importance of preparing the skin prior to skin treatments, see our previous blog ‘Why do you need to prep your skin for invasive treatments?’

Fun fact – The Jessner peel was formulated over 100 years ago by Max Jessner – a Dr who wanted a solution to benign lesions of the skin! Over the years the formula has been modified to create the solution we use in clinics today.

As much as the prep matters, so does how you take care of your skin POST treatment! Normally, a heat sensation will be felt during your treatment and can last up to 2 hours afterwards. It’s important not to wet your skin for at least 8 hours post peel, so best to get your peel done in the morning! Common reactions for the skin are to experience tight/pulling sensations, itching, darkening of pigment and redness – all which resolve in a few days.
Avoid for 7 days post peel:

  • Retinol & Vitamin C products
  • Exfoliation
  • Saunas
  • Waxing

The first 48 hours post peel, avoid swimming pools/beach, sun exposure, hot showers & vigorous exercise!
Are you interested? Chat to your dermal therapist to see if you are suitable!

By Riley McDonald
Dermal therapist at CosmediSpa