You might have heard a little bit about our new Observ 520 professional skin analysis, a modality that allows for in-depth skin analysis through the visible information in the form of photographs. What this means for our valued clients is that we can be create targeted, results-orientated and rejuvenating treatment plans. Who knew it could be so easy?

The first step involves illuminating the face with soft natural light that places no shadow or emphasis on particular areas. We take several images – getting all your best angles, so to clearly view and evaluate the skin’s condition.

4 diagnostic modes provide the base structure of our analysis.  We look through the multiple layers of skin, highlighting substances like melanin (pigment), collagen, elastin fibres and blood vessels.

Parallel polarized

This mode enhances glare for reflections of the surface texture. Here, we see the placement of deep wrinkles, skin texture, comedones and blackheads, open pores and acne scars/depressions.

Cross Polarised

Suppresses the surface shine to view in deeper to the skin. This highlights vascular anomalies, inflammation and pigment. We can see dark circles, spider veins, broken capillaries, active acne, cherry angiomas and rosacea.

True UV

The cells of the skin are illuminated via fluorescence revealing skin health conditions. A harmless dose of UV light is radiated onto the skin to show the distinguishable patterns that stand out in the skin like thinning skin, sun damage, melasma, freckles, chapped lips, dry skin and active acne.


The hydrolipid film, also known as your delicate skin barrier, becomes visible and well as area’s impaired with structural integrity. Here we are shown hypopigmentation, vitiligo, dry skin and the placement of active oil glands.

The human eye can also see so much, with the Observ we can diagnose and treat skin conditions by determining the root cause – which is integral to creating and maintain beautiful skin.

Not only this, the Observ takes incredibly clear and bright photographs so we can compare and assess the skin throughout your treatment and homecare journey. Call the clinic to book your complimentary skin consultation with our friendly and experienced dermal therapists where we can show you the in’s and out’s of your skin condition!

By Riley McDonald

Dermal Therapist and CosmediSpa.